Special Needs Loan Program

What is it?

This program provides assistance to students and residents training to practice in under-serviced areas in rural, regional, or northern Saskatchewan who are faced with difficult /insurmountable financial circumstances. It is intended to be a last resort financial option for medical learners who have already applied to the appropriate Committee on Rural and Regional Practice bursary program.

Recipients will be required to repay their loan to the Committee on Rural and Regional Practice (c/o the Saskatchewan Medical Association). Students who agree to practice in rural or regional Saskatchewan will be required to repay principal only. Recipients who do not fulfil this requirement will be required to repay principal plus interest.

Who is eligible?

Undergraduate medical students and post-graduate medical residents enrolled in the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

How do I apply?

Who can I contact if I have questions?

E: rsprograms@sma.sk.ca
P: (306) 244-2196