Dec. 2, 2022

Fourth online learning session on EDI issues in medicine scheduled for Jan. 12, 2023

The Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA), in collaboration with the Division of Social Accountability, College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, has offered a series of learning sessions this fall intended to deepen awareness of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) issues.

The last of four one-hour online presentations delivered by Dr. Manuela Valle-Castro, director of the Division of Social Accountability, is scheduled for Jan. 12, 2023. It has been rescheduled from Sept. 29, 2022. The third session is Dec. 8, 2022.

The series is part of the work of the SMA’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Each session is intended as a standalone session.

“These sessions will help build the knowledge needed to challenge the problems of racism in our profession,” said Dr. Nnamdi Ndubuka, a member of the EDI Committee. “It’s only when we truly understand a problem that we can begin to address it. The sessions will lead to a better understanding of the issues that pose barriers and create biased and unsafe workplaces.”

Dr. Ndubuka added the SMA has heard from physicians that they want hands-on learning opportunities to better engage with EDI issues. “I am certain that checking our own biases and learning about what we me may be doing and thinking, perhaps unconsciously, will help to show physicians ways to combat racism and issues relating to equity and inclusion.”

Dr. Valle-Castro gave a presentation to the 2021 Spring Representative Assembly titled: “Moving on with systemic change: How can anti-racism enhance our personal and professional development?” Originally from Chile, she has Mestiza (Spanish-Italian and Afro-Indigenous) background, and holds a PhD in gender, race, sexuality and social justice from the University of British Columbia.

The four sessions are part of a series of educational opportunities the SMA is organizing in conjunction with the EDI Committee, which was created by the SMA Board of Directors following the 2020 Spring RA. Delegates at that RA made a commitment to tackling racism within the profession, and members’ experiences with racism in the health system, following protests against racism around the world. Details of the four online sessions are as follows:

Session 4: Introduction to Unconscious Racial Bias: No one is racist, yet we have racism
Thursday, Jan. 12, 2023
7-8:30 p.m.

Racism and other forms of discrimination are learned and internalized attitudes and behaviours. In response, anti-racist pedagogy requires a process of unlearning. This is a continuous journey that requires openness, commitment, and a willingness to embrace discomfort as we challenge long-held beliefs.

Session 3: Introduction to Systemic Change: How to use your privilege in allyship
Thursday, Dec 8, 2022
7-8:30 p.m.

Allyship is standing up for, and putting into action, social justice. It is about transferring the benefits of privilege and ensuring the inclusion and human rights of all. Allyship is a critical part of achieving anti-racism and anti-oppression in work and education.

Session 2: Introduction to Intersectionality, Power, and Oppression: Unpacking our identities
Thursday, Nov 24, 2022
7-8:30 p.m.

Intersectionality is a way to examine how both our power and oppression are impacted by the overlapping or interaction of our social locations such as “race”/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age, disability/ability, religion, and migration status. This session will unpack the concepts of intersectionality to better understand our power and privilege to make us better allies.

Session 1: Introduction to Racial Microaggressions: Why are they so offended anyway?

Thursday, Oct 20, 2022
7-8:30 p.m.

Microaggressions are subtle, insidious comments and attitudes that maintain systems of oppression and superiority. Even those well-intentioned may be participating in microaggressions in unintentional ways. Building a culture of safety requires awareness of how our intention and behavior can impact others.

The Saskatchewan Medical Association appreciates funding from Scotiabank, MD Financial and the Canadian Medical Association as part of their Physician Wellness+ Initiative to address the urgent, ongoing health and wellness needs of our medical community. Sessions are presented by the Physician Wellness+ Initiative.