Update: SMA EDI conference registration full

The Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) is dedicated to dismantling biases and discrimination experienced by medical students, residents, and physicians. Please join us for Uncovering Racism in Medicine: A Pathway Forward, a one-day Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Conference, on Sept. 22, 2023, at the Saskatoon Inn.

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SMA to recognize outstanding contributions to SMA with new Service Award

The Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) is unveiling a new award for 2023 – the SMA Service Award. The award will recognize the physician recipient’s contributions to the SMA on committees, the board or in other activities that support the SMA and its mission.

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Canada’s health care providers urge premiers to ensure health care remains a priority

As Canadians continue to struggle to access health care in a timely fashion, organizations representing physicians, nurses and hospitals across the country are calling on all premiers to ensure health system reform is on the agenda at their meetings next month in Winnipeg, Man.

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Dr. Annette Epp becomes president of SMA in ‘time of impending change’ in health care

Dr. Annette Epp, a gynecologist from Saskatoon, was elected president of the Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) on Friday, May 5, during the 2023 Spring Representative Assembly (RA), held at Saskatoon’s Sheraton Cavalier.

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Saskatoon physician Dr. Annette Epp elected SMA president

On Sunday, Feb. 12, 2023, 20 Saskatoon physicians – along with family and friends, and SMA chief executive officer Bonnie Brossart – prepared and served more than 800 bowls of chili as part of the Friendship Inn’s annual Love Your Neighbor Chili Cook-Off, sponsored by the Saskatoon Medical Staff Association (SMSA) along with others.

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News release: Government and SMA announce changes designed to improve patient access and alleviate pressure on emergency rooms

By some estimates there are more than 200,000 people – or 1 in 6 Saskatchewan residents -- currently without a family physician. It is almost hard to believe. But it’s true. It’s also unacceptable.

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