Aug. 3, 2022

Act now - Nomination deadline for 2022 SMA Physician of the Year extended to Aug. 31

Nomination deadline is Aug. 31, 2022. Nominations may be submitted by email to or by mail to the SMA Saskatoon office.

The Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) encourages physicians or communities to nominate a deserving doctor for its 2022 Physician of the Year Award. This prestigious honour will be given at the 2022 Fall Representative Assembly scheduled for Oct. 28-29 in Regina.

Dr. Breanna Davis of Prince Albert was the recipient of the 2021 Physician of the Year Award.

Nominations can be made by other physicians, citizens, communities, sections and medical associations. A summary of the candidate’s achievements and reasons for consideration of the award is all that is required. All submissions will be forwarded to the SMA Appointments and Awards Committee. The SMA Board of Directors adjudicates the award.

The nominee must be an SMA member and be living in Saskatchewan at the time of nomination. The award is presented for outstanding contributions either during a particular time span or throughout a career. Physician contributions can be made in the medical profession or volunteer sector and can be to a community or district, or at the provincial, national or international level.

Each nomination must include a summary of the candidate’s achievements and at least one letter of reference. The nomination must also be signed by two nominators. To nominate a physician, view our parameters and fill out a nomination:

Physician of the Year – Parameters
Physician of the Year – Nomination Form 

For more information, contact